Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion
At RAI Amsterdam, we strive for an inclusive organization and company culture in everything we do. We want to create an environment where everyone not only excels professionally but also truly feels at home. At RAI Amsterdam, diversity is not just a goal; it is an integral part of our identity, and inclusivity is not merely a concept; it is the essence of how we want every individual to experience our shared space. Want to learn more about diversity and inclusivity in our organization? Read more here.
We are committed to building a future that is not only beneficial for organizers, exhibitors, and visitors but also for our neighbors, employees, stakeholders, the municipality of Amsterdam, and its residents. A place where everyone feels welcome and at home. We plan and collaborate to make RAI a hospitable, healthy, and inviting place where everyone feels welcome and at home. Read the full statement on diversity and inclusion in our organization here.
D&I Ambassador
Do you consider diversity and inclusion to be important topics and want to get involved? You can! Together with various D&I ambassadors, you will form the project team that is determined to create every aspect of the policy and accompanying plan that reflects the core values of RAI Amsterdam